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Daily Archives: July 22, 2021

Romaine Receives Gold Award From DHSC’s Chief Nurse For Adult Social Care

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Romaine, Director of Operations for Apple House care group, has today received the Gold Award for exceptional practice in adult social care! Presented as gold and silver awards, they represent an important step towards bringing recognition in line with the NHS workforce and recognise the extraordinary commitment of the adult social care workforce. Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care Professor Deborah Study said: The pandemic has shone a light on the exemplary efforts of our dedicated social care workforce, and I am committed to ensuring we recognise the selfless hard work they do …

Covid-19 Update

With the easing of restrictions from July 19th 2021 there have been changes to the guidance designed to support the social care sector and registered care homes. At Apple House Ltd we are keeping updated with these changes and working closely with everyone involved in keeping the people we support, our team members, family and loved ones safe and well informed.You will now see posters asking for visitors to maintain the wearing of masks within our care homes: We have sent this letter to families and loved ones to update on visiting during this new stage of safely managing the …