Apple House featured in new Care England brochure…

Honoured Guests is a new publication produced in partnership with Care England and  John’s Campaign–a national movement that focuses on recognising and actively involving families.

Apple House care homes are proud to have joined John’s Campaign as part of our ethos of inclusion, of recognising the important role of family and friends to care residents’ wellbeing and personal identity.

“I quite like the title ‘Honoured Guests.  It reminds people, whether we are family or friends, that we are there as guests of the resident. This title also reinforces that staff and relatives should have one purpose, which is to support the person who is resident in the care home, and that their contribution is well-regarded.” — Professor Martin Green.

Within the publication, ‘Honoured Guests,’ Apple House care homes are referenced:

Care England is a registered charity and the leading representative body for independent care services in England.

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