Community – Apple House Care Homes A Fresh Approach To Care Wed, 10 Feb 2021 11:54:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Community – Apple House Care Homes 32 32 Summerwood Links Up With Children In Its Community… Wed, 10 Feb 2021 11:54:47 +0000 During these most challenging of times, as the nation finds wonderfully creative ways to connect to others through this lockdown, Summerwood care home is enjoying a mutually rewarding connection with a local nursery school.

Intergenerational learning and friendship has been proven to bring lasting and positive outcomes for all and, in these exceptional times of reduced community access, Apple House care homes greatly value a diverse means of retaining each home’s position in the heart of their communities.

Sharing art, stories and fun videos is enabling both the children of the nursery school and the team and residents of Summerwood to reach out and bring fun and joy to each other.

Here are some of the fabulous paintings sent to Summerwood recently [shared with the kind permission of the nursery school manager; school identity protected].

— Jane Montrose, Managing Director.

VE Day at Corner Cottage… Fri, 15 May 2020 09:09:00 +0000 “Wow! What a beautiful day we had last Friday to commemorate VE day. The bungalow had been decorated with bunting, streamers, and enough Union Jacks to jump out of a plane with! Pam had been busy making cupcakes with M, with Patience making cornflake cakes. Paul made the truly English egg sandwiches. Where was bob? I hear you ask. Bob was busy getting dressed in full Scottish attire!

T and M enjoyed an afternoon tea, sat in the garden basking in the British sunshine, with chocolate cake, strawberry cupcakes and fizzy elderflower cordial. Once everybody’s tummies were full the afternoon entertainment began with Bob filling the air with the beautiful sound of the Scottish bagpipes.

Shared with kind permission.

M and T watched in amazement as Bob played for them. Bob, M and T then went out into the front garden so Bob could play for our lovely neighbours who all gave a round of applause for Bob.

A truly memorable day I’m sure you will agree.” — Sally Fox, Manager, Corner Cottage care home.

Jane Montrose, Managing Director of Apple House care homes, said of Bob, “I can’t thank Bob enough for helping to make Corner Cottage’s VE Day celebrations so memorable. He put a great deal of effort into looking just right in his Scottish finery complete with bagpipes and it was much appreciated by all. I’m sure the neighbours had an absolute treat that afternoon too!”

VE Day at Summerwood… Tue, 12 May 2020 11:25:39 +0000 “We spent the week before VE Day discussing the things we were going to do and how we were going to do it. D wanted songs, T didn’t want to call it a celebration, M wanted to have lots of food and T suggested Fish and Chips. Everyone was very excited about having games in the garden. Here is a poster we made with the events on it.

Everyone had a great time in a socially distanced manner!” — John Caslake, Registered Manager, Summerwood.

Redcroft Remembers… Tue, 12 May 2020 10:27:03 +0000 “For our VE Day celebrations, everyone chose to participate in preparations by making decorations and creating an information board. Individuals read out passages or discussed what VE day is about. ‘E’ then gave us all a fantastic concert of old time songs.

Shared with kind permission.

We have made trench boxes, discussing about how these boxes were sent out at Christmas time for the soldiers at the front. We also made a tea party of favourate foods eaten in the 1940’s including Anzac biscuits which we put in the trench boxes. Great fun had by all!” — Sharron Eyears, Registered Manager, Redcroft.

Creating a Nature Garden… Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:55:20 +0000 David Dellow, from our senior support team at Redcroft care home, Bournemouth, has been on a mission to transform an area of garden behind the chicken run; to create something rather beautiful and interesting from a scrubby patch of untamed wilderness. David’s creative designer and grafting partner is S.

Here is S and David’s nature garden diary, kindly shared with the kind permission of both.

Nature Garden Creation, First Session:

Today we started on the Nature Garden, our first task is to clear all the loose vegetation on the floor and all the loose branches on the ground.

We are disposing of all the loose vegetation and branches into our large compost heap, this way we are recycling all the organic debris, which eventually we will distribute around our new garden.

All the other objects that have been collected over the years will also be recycled/upcycled for use in the garden. We will have a garden that is not only inviting and encouraging to wildlife but also environmentally friendly. 

Our aim is to create a garden that is appealing to a wide range of wildlife as well as creating a space where we can go and relax when we desire some relaxation.  If we are successful in encouraging wildlife we are planning to set up cameras and capture pictures of our wildlife visitors and even possibly create a calendar of our wildlife friends.                        

The work is very physical and is on a grand scale, so we are planning on completing the work over the period of several months. But we fully intend to have the work completed in time for BBQ season!

(Image shared with kind permission)

We are disposing of all the loose vegetation and branches into our large compost heap, this way we are recycling all the organic debris, which eventually we will distribute around our new garden.

All the other objects that have been collected over the years will also be recycled/upcycled for use in the garden. We will have a garden that is not only inviting and encouraging to wildlife but also environmentally friendly. 

Our aim is to create a garden that is appealing to a wide range of wildlife as well as creating a space where we can go and relax when we desire some relaxation.  If we are successful in encouraging wildlife we are planning to set up cameras and capture pictures of our wildlife visitors and even possibly create a calendar of our wildlife friends.                                                                                                   The work is very physical and is on a grand scale, so we are planning on completing the work over the period of several months. But we fully intend to have the work completed in time for BBQ season.

Second Session:

Our second session saw us continuing with the clearing of the excessive debris from our proposed nature garden site. It was a hard task but we were aware that once completed we would be able to make progress on the garden easier.

(Image shared with kind permission)

We completed the session with a trip to a local garden tools supplier to collect some heavy-duty tools to help us with the next stage of our work.

Third Session:

Session three saw us starting to cut out a footpath to allow easy access around the nature garden for everyone. Eventually the path will be created by turning all the discarded branches we have uncovered into wood chip.

We finished the session by placing the discarded wheelbarrow in position at the end of the path. We are looking for unwanted/old paving slabs to create a firm base, as the wheelbarrow is going to be turned into a bird bath.

Stay tuned for our next progress report!” — David Dellow, Redcroft.

Redcroft: Cooking Up The Perfect Recipe With Braille… Wed, 06 Nov 2019 09:46:22 +0000 There is something very therapeutic about cooking.  Mastering techniques and putting one’s own creative spin on a well-loved recipe. Collecting eggs from our Redcroft hens and reaching for a cook book for that special cake recipe…

But, wait a minute! 

Cookery should be accessible to all who love it, shouldn’t it?  We think so!  Which is why, when ‘L’ (who is registered blind) showed a culinary passion, we decided to set out and find a way to make all our cookery books accessible to her in the format she knew best.

Redcroft contacted RNIB and began working with them to create an entire library of cookery books in braille just for ‘L’

Six volumes so far! ‘L’ is thrilled and enjoying the challenge of discovering new recipes and tasting her own wonderful and complex creations in the kitchen.

Copyright: Redcroft Care Home

This got us thinking…

‘L’ already has a braille machine, already prepares an agenda, chairs house meetings. But, if we can produce SIX entire volumes of cookery books, can’t we do more?

New mission: Create an entire library in braille right here at Redcroft! Watch this space!

Choice, we all need it and deserve it. Choice in reading and recreation should also be accessible to all. It underpins what we do and who we are.

— Jane Montrose, Managing Director

The Great Apple House Bake-Off! Tue, 23 Apr 2019 11:26:21 +0000 Congratulations go to Redcroft for winning the Great Apple House Bake-Off!

Our panel of judges, comprising residents and directors, had a very tough job choosing just one winner from the three beautiful cakes crafted by our staff teams as each home pitched against the other in a super-friendly competition.

Apple House care home’s cake won the taste test! The sponge was moist and utterly scrummy. Decorated with delicate sugar daisies and cute bees, it was as pretty as it was delicious. Summerwood care home’s cake wowed us all. In the design of our logo –a plump green apple– and with little sugar people circling the cake, it was so creative we were all speechless!

However, it was an Easter cake contest and Redcroft care home’s fabulous two-tiered masterpiece really was unsurpassed. With sugar bunnies having fun in chocolate ‘dirt’ and a carrot cake and chocolate/caramel centre, it simply had to win. As the bake-off was a friendly inter-team event it was fitting that the prize should be a night out for the winning team. In addition Redcroft wins a donation to be made in the home’s name to the Dorset Cancer Care Foundation, helping local families in their fight against cancer.

Thanks go to Redcroft for hosting the party which followed the cake judging, and to Apple House and Summerwood for their contributions to food and fun. With a number of games, many of which were hand-made by individuals living at Redcroft, all enjoyed an afternoon of great fun in the garden and patio.

Happy Easter! Mon, 22 Apr 2019 09:58:08 +0000 From all of us at Apple House care homes, to all of you, we hope your Easter weekend has been peaceful and joyous. When the world about us seems fraught, with tragic news, and peace seems a distant hope, it is the small things we do together with those closest to us that remind us of the true meaning of hope and peace.

Simple things like baking bring us together. With this in mind, our teams have worked hard to create little masterpieces of Springtime joy.

Yes, the Great Apple House Bake Off is today!

This afternoon the Easter Bunny (aka our MD, Jane, but don’t tell anyone) will be amongst a panel of residents who will have the near impossible task of selecting a winning cake (and tasting it of course). The winning cake will earn its team a sparkly night out as well as a mega cheque for Dorset Cancer Care Foundation as a thank you from us to them for all that they do in our community to ease the trials of cancer-suffering families.

The Apple House Easter party will kick off at Redcroft and is sure to be eggxactly what we all need to round off the Easter celebration today.

Finally, I went to the shop this morning and bought twelve Slinkies in their spring sale! (yes, terrible joke, groan!) 😉

Apple House Runs First Community Workshop… Tue, 06 Feb 2018 13:55:02 +0000 Workshop for members of Ashley Baptist Church
Last weekend we were pleased to be invited to hold a workshop at Ashley Baptist Church by the minister and members of the congregation. The team who work and live at our Summerwood care home enjoy a close relationship with the church and attend services and clubs there.
The focus of the workshop was to deliver information on Understanding Behaviours That Can Challenge. The members and volunteers at the church wanted to gain additional understanding and to be better prepared for the activities and services they deliver.
It was great to be able to talk to the group about our work and the background and formation of our company. The local church is an important part to many people’s lives and we wish to build on our community relationships and assist people to have a greater understanding in the work that we do and wish to achieve.
Our workshop focused around these key areas:
We also arranged practical activities based on how it may feel to be in different situations when our core method of communication is changed. This in itself cannot reflect what it will feel like but when you add this into a learning session, discussion and awareness topics, it does assist to have a greater insight.
The workshop took place over 3 hours and an invitation followed to speak to the congregation as a whole which we would be delighted to do in the future.
It was a great session and we would like to extend our thanks to the wonderful group there and the much needed refreshments were very well received.
From our Training Evaluation Feedback forms we were pleased to see some encouraging statements such as;
“This has helped enormously in enabling us to relate and share effectively, thank you!”
“Very informative and helpful. Good to develop knowledge and understanding.”
“Super! Just right” 10/10
–Romaine Lawson Director of Operations
and John Caslake Registered Manager – Summerwood

Shared with kind permission of attendees

Apple House Care Home Trials Health & Safety Quiz… Fri, 12 Jan 2018 13:49:13 +0000

Making health and safety fun…

“Care homes differ from other workplaces because they are not only places of work but are also homes for their residents. It is therefore important that they are pleasant places where the freedom and dignity of residents is respected, and where everyone’s health and safety is sensibly and effectively managed.” — HSE, Health and Safety in Care Homes, 2nd Edition.

As a care home group we take health and safety seriously.  This means keeping everyone safe, including staff and residents and people visiting our properties.  However, we believe that everyone should be involved in keeping their home safe which is why we actively encourage and facilitate measures which incorporate health and safety into daily living with those who live in and use our services.

That doesn’t sound much fun though, right?

Wrong! We believe that even legislative and procedural matters can be made fun if approached in the right way.  The HSE supports our ethos.  They state, ‘A person-centred approach, working with the resident, family and professionals involved, may help achieve the outcomes that matter to the resident.’  They go on to say, ‘Discussing capacity will help the resident think through the possible consequences, positive or negative, of any action or inaction. This enables everyone involved to explore the issues, make informed choices and accept responsibilities.  Arrangements can then be provided which go as far as possible towards meeting the individual’s aspirations, while recognising their limitations and managing any risks to themselves and others.’

Again, where’s the fun in that?

Ah ha! We are not reinventing the wheel by using fun quizzes as a learning aid.  There are multiple studies available on the web which evidence the importance of using pictures, easy-read words and symbols and quizzes as part of a wider approach to helping with learning and sharing information.  Similar studies demonstrate that learning and retaining information is increased when it is done in a fun way and a relaxed environment.

Here’s what Milosz from Apple House care home had to say about their Health and Safety quiz:

“D, C and J were quite enthusiastic about the Health and Safety quiz and did their best to impress everyone with their knowledge. Some questions were a piece of cake for them, while others turned out to be a hard nut to crack! Fortunately, consultations were allowed and the spirit of co-operation proved stronger than the thrill of rivalry.

At the end of the day it’s all about team work at Apple House! Eventually, the collective effort paid off and the team passed the quiz with flying colours. This was a fun and informative house meeting, just like they always are. :-)” — Milosz, Deputy Manager, Apple House Care Home.

Pic shared with the kind permission of those featured.
