COVID-19 Update For Families: We Are Closed To Visitors…

Dear Friend and Family Member,

During these uncertain times I wanted to share a little certainty with you. Here at Apple House care homes we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure every person we support, and each team member caring for them, are as safe and supported as can possibly be. This means that you can be certain we are taking no chances where coronavirus is concerned.

I wrote to you last week (the letter is right here on our blog under the COVID-19 heading in the menu) and updated you on measures we have been taking so far. And so far we have not had a single suspected case of coronavirus in our homes but we are mindful we are not an island. We are part of a community and the virus is certainly bound to be outside our walls within our communities. Our team are diligently striving to keep it from gaining entry!

Now the rules have changed. Yesterday’s announcement by our Prime Minister gave clarity to the question, ‘Can I visit my family member? Can they visit me?’ The government are now clear that we must only mix with members of our families who we live with, members of our own households, and so we cannot at this time continue to accept visitors to our services or plan usual visits to you.

We know this separation is going to be a huge challenge and so we want to reassure you we are here for you and will be thinking outside the box in order to maintain different ways of communication than face-to-face visits. Please get in touch, we can set up Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime video calling.

With such clever technology at our fingertips there has never been a more connected way to be in isolation!

Please also believe me that the separation will probably be harder for you than for your loved one. We have some great fun and games lined up! Already today I have been sent a video of a new ‘in-house band’ thanks to Jayne at Apple House care home! Wonderful accordion playing, D, bravo! That was before today’s garden picnic and then exercise outside permitted by the government.

Thank you for also understanding and being patient with us when things are different, if we don’t get back to you quite as quickly, or it’s not the same team member you usually talk with. Our team’s welfare is also our priority and we need to keep them safe too. This means that one or two are temporarily away from us for 12 weeks to protect their health. I’m beyond proud at how everyone is looking out for each other – residents and staff. We are one big team here and we’re up to this challenge!

Please take great care of yourselves and keep in touch with us.

— Jane Montrose, Managing Director, Apple House Care Homes.

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