CQC Rates Redcroft as OUTSTANDING For ‘Responsive’

Congratulations to Sharron Eyears, Registered Manager at Redcroft care home, and to her deputies, Mandy and David, and our entire incredible team. Following a recent inspection by CQC, the inspector has awarded Redcroft the highest rating possible: ‘Outstanding,’ for the category of Responsive!

Staff had an excellent understanding of people’s needs and worked with them to ensure they were consulted, listened to and valued. –CQC

The report highlights how residents are given opportunities to share their views and to be listened to, which underpins so much of our ethos at Redcroft and across all of our services.

Technology had been used in an innovative way to support people and they had been involved in setting this up. For people who found difficulty in reading or understanding pictures, ‘recording buttons’ were used to help people get the information they needed. This promoted dignity and self-esteem for individuals who had previously been reliant on staff for this information. –CQC

We embrace technology and utilise its many forms to aid communication. Whether it be talking microwaves or having braille cookery books specially made, we endeavour to promote dignity and self-esteem and to actively promote independence, as further noted by CQC:

One person when they first moved to live at Redcroft had very little self-esteem, poor mobility and low confidence levels. Staff worked with professionals and the person to develop plans for building their confidence. This person had progressed with their mobility, was taking interest in their appearance, now actively choosing what she would like to wear, along with accessories and jewellery. Their self-esteem had improved so that they wanted to experience new things. Records showed that they now enjoyed walking and swimming, which had also improved their general medical health. –CQC

With such an established and dedicated manager, deputies, and team at Redcroft, it was hugely rewarding to learn CQC concluded that our staff were ‘Highly responsive to people’s needs, and provided excellent outcomes for people.’

Finally, congratulations also to Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations, and to Sarah-Jane Keith, Office Manager, for their part in attaining this impressive inspection outcome alongside Sharron and team.

Please do grab a cuppa and read the full report HERE


About The Author



  1. | 30th Nov 18

    A massive and well deserved CQC report for you all at Redcroft. You are all amazing and dedicated in what you do, you have enhanced the lives of the people you care for.

    From all at Apple House.

    • Applehouse | 14th Jan 19

      Thank you so much!
      From all at Redcroft 🙂

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