Health and wellbeing in social care – Apple House Care Homes A Fresh Approach To Care Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:03:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Health and wellbeing in social care – Apple House Care Homes 32 32 Compassion Fatigue In Carers: Awareness Project Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:02:51 +0000 Compassion Fatigue in Care Staff:

Compassion fatigue is a term that has been used previously but is becoming more recognised during the covid-19 pandemic. 
‘Compassion fatigue is a broadly defined concept that can include emotional, physical, and spiritual distress in those providing care to another. It is associated with caregiving where people or animals are experiencing significant emotional or physical pain and suffering.’

Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project

At Apple House care homes we recognise that our brilliant carers are working incredibly hard to ensure that they are giving their utmost in these unprecedented times. They are caring for the people we support, their colleagues, families and family members of the people they support. It can seem overwhelming and we recognise that they too need time to talk, reflect and have a safe space to work in.


The Ten Laws Governing Healthy Caregiving* 
1. Sustain your compassion 

2. Practice authentic, sustainable self care daily 

3. Build a support system 

4. Create a work/life balance 

5. Apply empathic discernment 

6. Recognise the humour 

7. Learn to let go 

8. Acknowledge your successes 

9. Remain optimistic 

10. Elevate levels of compassion satisfaction

*Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project
It’s OK talk, share and receive the support you deserve.

–Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations, Apple House Care Homes

Creating a Nature Garden… Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:55:20 +0000 David Dellow, from our senior support team at Redcroft care home, Bournemouth, has been on a mission to transform an area of garden behind the chicken run; to create something rather beautiful and interesting from a scrubby patch of untamed wilderness. David’s creative designer and grafting partner is S.

Here is S and David’s nature garden diary, kindly shared with the kind permission of both.

Nature Garden Creation, First Session:

Today we started on the Nature Garden, our first task is to clear all the loose vegetation on the floor and all the loose branches on the ground.

We are disposing of all the loose vegetation and branches into our large compost heap, this way we are recycling all the organic debris, which eventually we will distribute around our new garden.

All the other objects that have been collected over the years will also be recycled/upcycled for use in the garden. We will have a garden that is not only inviting and encouraging to wildlife but also environmentally friendly. 

Our aim is to create a garden that is appealing to a wide range of wildlife as well as creating a space where we can go and relax when we desire some relaxation.  If we are successful in encouraging wildlife we are planning to set up cameras and capture pictures of our wildlife visitors and even possibly create a calendar of our wildlife friends.                        

The work is very physical and is on a grand scale, so we are planning on completing the work over the period of several months. But we fully intend to have the work completed in time for BBQ season!

(Image shared with kind permission)

We are disposing of all the loose vegetation and branches into our large compost heap, this way we are recycling all the organic debris, which eventually we will distribute around our new garden.

All the other objects that have been collected over the years will also be recycled/upcycled for use in the garden. We will have a garden that is not only inviting and encouraging to wildlife but also environmentally friendly. 

Our aim is to create a garden that is appealing to a wide range of wildlife as well as creating a space where we can go and relax when we desire some relaxation.  If we are successful in encouraging wildlife we are planning to set up cameras and capture pictures of our wildlife visitors and even possibly create a calendar of our wildlife friends.                                                                                                   The work is very physical and is on a grand scale, so we are planning on completing the work over the period of several months. But we fully intend to have the work completed in time for BBQ season.

Second Session:

Our second session saw us continuing with the clearing of the excessive debris from our proposed nature garden site. It was a hard task but we were aware that once completed we would be able to make progress on the garden easier.

(Image shared with kind permission)

We completed the session with a trip to a local garden tools supplier to collect some heavy-duty tools to help us with the next stage of our work.

Third Session:

Session three saw us starting to cut out a footpath to allow easy access around the nature garden for everyone. Eventually the path will be created by turning all the discarded branches we have uncovered into wood chip.

We finished the session by placing the discarded wheelbarrow in position at the end of the path. We are looking for unwanted/old paving slabs to create a firm base, as the wheelbarrow is going to be turned into a bird bath.

Stay tuned for our next progress report!” — David Dellow, Redcroft.

Stress Management in Learning Disabilities… Thu, 07 Nov 2019 09:04:30 +0000 What is stress?

At the most basic level, stress is our body’s response to pressures from a situation or life event. Some common features of things that can make us feel stress include experiencing something new or unexpected, something that threatens your feeling of self, or feeling you have little control over a situation. [Mental Health Foundation]

In the following article, Jayne Jackson, registered manager at Apple House care home, writes an open and very insightful reflection on how stress plans can and do have a profoundly positive impact for a gentleman she supports:

Our care plans are person centred and very individual to each of the people we support.
I was looking at environmental risk assessments & policies for stress. This centred around how we could look after staff’s health and what they/we could do to help in their day-to-day working environment, which we know at times can be stressful.This prompted me to look at the people we support [in relation to stresss]. We looked at easy read documents and set up a meeting.

The easy read document comprised general things to help lower stress/anxieties. We wanted our support plans to be personalised to suit the needs of the individual.

We worked with each person individually and discussed what we could do to help them stay settled and reduce their stress levels.

For one individual this was a massive achievement as in the past just discussing and writing information could cause him to experience high levels of stress.

We worked very closely over many years with the gentleman to help him learn to trust us. We use the phrase ‘it’s good to talk’ and this person now quotes this phrase.

This plan would not have worked for this person if they did not sign up to it.

He spent time with us, we listened to him, we built ‘his’ support plan. It is important that the person has ownership over ‘their’ plan. When he is feeling stressed we refer to the plan and this keeps it fresh in his mind. We all stick to the plan; this is key in keeping his well-being stable.

This plan cannot work without the individual being involved, it is not a paper exercise, it is a live tool.

The stress support plan runs alongside others that all interlink. He is now beginning to recognise when he is feeling troubled, or finding things difficult and, with our support, he is starting to work them out.
The individual works with us. We ensure he has time to reflect, to identify what is worrying him.

Breathing exercises, conversation and space are used; usually after 10 minutes he feels able to talk about what is happening. We must ensure that the person and staff have clarification that they have settled as this prevents further stress. A physical change can be seen within him – his body language and speech will return to pre-stressed levels, and he appears calmer. This is not just a one-off thing as this may happen a few times a day, or weeks may pass without presentation of stress.

Because of the trust we have built, continuity of the team and knowing and respecting the individual it could be said that he has a better quality of life. Sure, there are stressful days for him, we all have those, but learning to cope with them is what we support him to do.

I cannot tell you how proud I feel of him and the team; it is lovely to see the person more involved in day to day things, and by doing this it also helps him to have a renewed sense of purpose and to feel valued, staying focused forming part of his routine.

This individual wrote an additional support plan with staff which was linked to additional stress; he took it to a meeting with his psychiatric team and asked them to sign up to it which they did.

He then wrote to his link mental health team and asked to be discharged. We supported him in writing a letter and discussed the benefits, including self-esteem, that he would feel. His mental health team told us they never thought they would see they day this gentleman would be signed off [from their care].

This is a massive achievement for him!

Due to the hard work and commitment of my staff, their link team and the individual himself, he has stayed settled for over a year following years of mental health decline.

In our compliment folder, the person’s mental health team praised Apple House. They commented how well we had supported the person when they had deteriorated in their mental health and suffered episodes of depression and mania, they had never see this person doing so well. This was signed by the person’s community nurse. This person was told if they remained stable for the next year they would be signed off.

Jumping forwards a year, well its happened, he has been discharged!

We look forward to maintaining his wellbeing and will continue to encourage him to further develop and reach his personal goals.

— Jayne Jackson, registered manager, Apple House care home, Bournemouth.
