LD Awards – Apple House Care Homes https://www.applehouse.co.uk A Fresh Approach To Care Fri, 14 Jun 2019 11:29:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.applehouse.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-New-Apple-House-Logo-32x32.png LD Awards – Apple House Care Homes https://www.applehouse.co.uk 32 32 Our England Finalist For The Frontline Leader Award… https://www.applehouse.co.uk/our-england-finalist-for-the-frontline-leader-award/ Fri, 14 Jun 2019 11:29:28 +0000 https://applehouse.co.uk/?p=1916 We are very proud to be finalists in 7 categories for the 2019 National Learning Disabilities Awards. Today we want to showcase one of our finalists, Rebecca Blackmore.

Finalist for The Frontline Leader Award

 Rebecca Blackmore:

Here are some of the things that our manager Sharron and the team have to say about Bex:

Rebecca who is known as Bex started working in our company in 2014.

Caring, compassionate and focused on helping and supporting people to be the best they can possibly be.

One of her strengths is also her cooking ability. Utilising this skill Bex is able to support individuals with healthy eating. She uses aids such as easy read menu’s and supportive technology, supporting individuals to understand the types of foods in their meals and understanding healthy options.

Bex has also inspired the individuals during house meetings to: choose a country, plan shopping lists, discuss a menu from the country, discuss utensils needed to make the meal, along with looking up information with individuals regarding the culture or the country. This will culminate once a month with the  person preparing the meal and hosting a lovely party. This creative use of skills in enhancing peoples lives and teaching independent living skills is wonderful and a real credit to Bex.

Her confidence has grown immensely, and this has transpired into Bex working and now achieving a senior role within Redcroft, taking on extra responsibilities such as Fire Marshal. Along with supporting staff as our advocate for dysphasia, oral health and supporting staff to be more confident in themselves.

She goes the extra mile when it comes to looking for fun ways to raise money for charities; Bex has helped to raise money for Macmillan, Red Nose Day and local Dorset charities. She rallies the residents round and gets them fully involved which gives people a sense of purpose and well-being. Bex has helped to raise awareness of these good causes and wanted the people she supports to feel a part of that experience. She is a shining example of a brilliant support worker and we are proud to nominate her for this award.

Thank you Bex for everything you do and we are all very proud of you.

The National Learning Disabilities & Autism Awards offer a unique opportunity to showcase and celebrate the successes of individuals, teams and businesses in the learning disabilities and autism sector – people and organisations who really do make a positive impact on people’s lives. They aim to pay tribute to people who specifically support those with learning disabilities and autism and recognise inspirational individuals with a learning disability and/or autism who make a real difference within their communities.

— Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations

Apple House – Proud Finalists in The National Learning Disability & Autism Awards! https://www.applehouse.co.uk/apple-house-proud-finalists-in-the-national-learning-disability-autism-awards/ Thu, 17 May 2018 09:08:31 +0000 https://applehouse.co.uk/?p=1650 Some exciting news!

We are so pleased to announce that we are finalists in five categories of the The National Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards 2018 for England. We are so honoured to be finalists in so many categories.

The National Learning Disabilities & Autism Awards celebrate excellence in the support for people with learning disabilities and aim to pay tribute to those individuals or organisations who excel in providing quality care.

Our first finalist is our Summerwood care home in the ‘Positive Behaviour Support’ category which states; ‘The overriding goal of positive behaviour support is to enhance quality of life for individuals and their support providers. This award will be presented to a team, or individual who demonstrate evidence of best practice in their services. The judges are looking for outcome-based approaches that blend values about the rights of people with disabilities with evidence based practice about how behaviour change occurs.’

We are so proud of the achievements of the people who live and work in each of our services that to be able to celebrate and share our achievements is wonderful for everyone concerned.

Important too is the awareness that these awards bring to the continued work that we strive for, to assist people in achieving meaningful outcomes in a safe and caring environment.

Our second finalist is the Apple House manager, Jayne Jackson, in the ‘Breaking Down Barriers’award. This award celebrates an individual or organization who have worked to make sure people get clear information and are able to contribute their views and experiences.

For our third finalist it’s over to Derek who lives at our Apple House service and is the proud finalist for the ‘Peoples Award.’ Derek is keen to tell the panel about his many achievements within his local community.

Number four is Milosz who works at Apple House as the deputy manager and he is the finalist in the ‘The Frontline Leaders Award.’ This award recognizes the crucial role of the support worker in providing high quality support for people with a learning disability and/or autism. Evidence of commitment to person centred approaches, supporting people with dignity and respect alongside dedication, team working and good humour will be important features for the judges. Milosz has tons of all of those qualities and we are very proud of him.

Number five on our amazing list is a truly honoured and privileged finalist announcement. Our Managing Director, Jane Montrose, is a grand finalist in the Outstanding Contribution Award. This award will be presented to an individual who the judges think has made a long-term outstanding contribution to the lives of people with a learning disability and/or autism. The nominations were from individuals across the health and social care sector. Jane is an inspirational leader and founder of the Apple House Ltd company.

The final judging takes place at the end of May in Birmingham and we are all looking forward to traveling there to meet with the independent panel and be put under some scrutiny! Lets hope for some sunny weather to go with our positive attitude!

On Friday June 29th the Gala Final takes place at the ICC in Birmingham. We will keep you posted on how we get on.

— Romaine Lawson, Director of Operations.
