Leave Campaign – Apple House Care Homes https://www.applehouse.co.uk A Fresh Approach To Care Thu, 16 Jun 2016 11:53:18 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.applehouse.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-New-Apple-House-Logo-32x32.png Leave Campaign – Apple House Care Homes https://www.applehouse.co.uk 32 32 EU Referendum, Learning Disabilities and Social Care… https://www.applehouse.co.uk/eu-referendum-and-social-care/ Thu, 16 Jun 2016 11:53:18 +0000 https://applehousecare.wordpress.com/?p=558 We are a politically neutral organisation.

Our role during any national election is to support our residents to have access to information on all aspects of voting, so that they are empowered to make the choices that reflect their views, their needs, their futures.

The EU Referendum is fast approaching.  June 23rd will see a national vote on staying in or leaving the European Union.  There has been minimal literature provided to households surrounding the benefits of leaving, more so surrounding the benefits of remaining ‘in.’

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(Source: Mencap/Electoral Commission)

Therefore, we continue to source other means of information including the useful Mencap/Electoral Commission Easy Read Guide.  Click HERE to read it.  News, discussions, house meetings – there are so many ways to ensure that every single voice is heard, that every individual has their say if they want to do so.

As with much of the Nation, our team is representative of the diverse views on this: the INs, the OUTs, the UNDECIDEDs.  We welcome the views of our team on matters that effect our communities and wider country.  John Caslake, Registered Manager at Summerwood, shares his views on the current EU Referendum in the context of immigration and the wider topic of social care and recruitment:

“For all those living in and those working in care, days are full of diversity and difference that we celebrate.

As a manager in a labour-intensive industry, I am always on the lookout for caring and compassionate staff who will put the interests of the people they care for first.  Many staff in social care are foreign nationals (both from Europe and the wider world), with the right to work in the UK.   They come here for a variety of reasons, but all believe that the UK is a great place to live and work.

Immigrants are a vital part of the social care system; without their valuable input, the sector could struggle to provide the quality of care that residents demand and providers expect.” –– John Caslake, Registered Manager, Summerwood.

Whatever the outcome of the Referendum, it really has been interesting to follow and be a part of the vote.

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