
We are so happy with *******’s placement at Redcroft. Staff are always attentive to his needs and staff always go the extra mile to make life fun! Thank you from all the family.
A Family Member
Mrs A
My brother, who has learning difficulties has been residing at Apple House since 2008. It is a care home with three other residents, who are of a similar age and level of learning disability. The home provides 24 hour care. My brother does have a number of medical conditions that are effectively monitored by Apple House staff. Moreover, he has normally been very happy, whilst residing at Apple House, which is shown by such things as his sense of humour and singing. However, sadly, (due to his mental disability), occasionally his mood is low and he has on a few occasions displayed problematic behaviours. The staff at Apple House have constructively dealt with all the above problems, which has ensured that my brother remains healthy and for the vast majority of the time very happy, rather than causing social services to move him to a different home as a result of problematic behaviour. Since the COVID 19 pandemic and the necessary restrictions, there have been some changes in what he has been able to do. The activities that he used to be involved in included such things as visits by an advocate, swimming, going out for a meal, trips to the cinema and going on an annual holiday. They have all understandably had to be suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The staff at Apple House have been excellent in arranging activities that my brother is still able to do such as cooking, going for a short ride in the car, listening to music, skype calls with my sister and I and celebrations with the residents and staff he lives with. They have also installed a shed with a screen and provide appropriate PPE so safe visits to my brother can occur, when possible. In addition, Apple House staff frequently liaise with my sister and I regarding the situation with our brother, whether it is good news, which occurs most of the time and also when there are problems. Moreover, the liaison of Apple House staff with social workers, medical and other professionals is very constructive. I am extremely grateful for all that Apple House staff do for my brother. David 18 January 2021
Apple House
In my opinion the care my brother receives from the team at Apple House [care home] is outstanding. The following are my thoughts and observations regarding the care my brother receives. My brother has lived at Apple House for many years and it has all the attributes of a warm, loving family home with residents encouraged to be as independent as safety allows. They are actively encouraged to follow their dreams – ‘you would like to go sailing, well of course you can – we will ensure you go, have a great time and are safe and secure at all times’. You enjoy cooking, that is great we will have a cooking day every week and you and I can cook for everyone. My brother’s cooking is fabulous, from sausage rolls from scratch to lasagne to a beautifully decorated Christmas cake. He loves his cooking day with Dawn, and his new skills have given him a new purpose and increased his self esteem. The residents are encouraged to participate and discuss matters individually and as a group and help with decisions, e.g. the annual holiday destination, the film they would like to see at the cinema. To watch the Apple House Team I often think the CEO’s of many an impressive firm could learn a lot. This is team work at its best and it works so well it appears effortless. I love the fact that everyone is happy, they laugh and joke but attention to the resident’s physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health is meticulous and any changes noted and followed up immediately. Fun, laughter and enjoyment is never at the expense of care and compassion. I am thankful every day for the wonderful care my brother receives at Apple House. Jane R 16th January 2021
Apple House – the home that keeps on giving!
A close team who work well together and provide a stable home for the residents who live at Apple House. Jayne the manager will seek advice and help if problems arise with any of the residents, and will follow any advice given, giving good feedback, and going the extra mile to help the residents with what they need to have a happy and calm life especially during these difficult times. Jayne encourages her team to keep up with current information and learning about any health conditions her residents have and will seek help and advice to manage any difficulties with these conditions. When visiting Apple house I have always been made welcome and feel valued. During these difficult times Jayne has made it possible for visits to continue if they were needed, and for the residents to keep up contacts as well as they could within government guidelines. The residents at Apple house all have their own difficulties and are all treated as individuals. Maria W, NHS LD Nurse, January 2021
Nurse’s Feedback
From a personal professional perspective, I have found the care, precision and knowledge of the staff at Apple House Care to be exemplary. I have worked over a period of 12months supporting a patient to reduce x3 lots of medication to stop. The timings have always been implemented at the correct time, the feedback has been most helpful in making clinical decisions and the staff have been on board in deprescribing medication that is not necessarily helpful to the patient’s overall health even if this impacts on them. I have a sister with learning difficulties and special needs and I would be keen for her to move to this Care home, if she was to move from her current situation. I feel it really centres the patient and the care plan revolves around their needs and requirements. — SP, Care Homes Pharmacist, January 21st 2021
Pharmacist Review of Apple House
“We have always found the care they offer to be globally good. We get excellent communication from the staff, leadership and carers within the organisation.”
Summerwood, by a GP
GP, Hampshire